Did you ever start to wonder what is making garage storage systems become so popular nowadays? Then you must understand how the garage storage systems have changed with time. You also need to realize how the people using the modern garage storage systems gain significant advantages compared to older ones.
The older garage storage systems would be mainly shelves. The more innovative ones would be removable shelves - the ones that you could remove from the grooves and thus gain some additional space to move around. In the best case, the storage would be a set of wooden cabinets. They would look simply average - period.
Shelf Unit Storage
The scenario has radically changed today. Shelves are still in use, but removable shelves that leave ugly grooves on the wall exposed are completely gone. If you want to store on shelves that don't "exist" when you don't need them, then today your choice of a garage storage system would be a folding shelf. You would unfold the shelf whenever you need and keep objects on it. But once you remove the objects and the shelf is not needed for the time being, you fold the shelf in such a way that it adheres to the wall without practically taking no extra space. In fact, the best-looking folding shelves would look good even when folded. Yesterday's ugly grooves on the wall are replaced today by good-looking folds of shelves near your walls.
The cabinets today are of high-quality stainless steel. And they have casters fitted below them. As a result, the cabinets look good and their mobility is also well-controlled. They are far less susceptible to the weather. And if you believe that the floor is still too small to afford to keep the cabinets then you can always hang them up on the wall, overhead. That would enhance your floor space as well as improve the overall looks of the garage.
Thus, the modern garage storage systems can simultaneously improve your space utilization, provide better storage to your items and help maintain and improve décor.